is
an
universal
inspection
company
covering
a
big
variety
of
survey
activities
and
commodities
such
as
crude
oil,
products,
petrochemicals,
fertilizers,
grain,
metals,
plastics
etc.
Assuming
the
specialties
of
each
commodity
we
issue
all
sorts
of
documents
which
are
well
accepted
by
our
clients,
major
banks
and
customs
authorities
i.e.:
•
Certificate
of
quality;
•
Certificate
of
quantity;
•
Draft
survey;
•
Marine
survey;
•
Bunker
survey;
•
on-off
hire
survey;
etc
Relying
on
our
professional
performance
many
companies
use
us
as
superintendents
in
Thailand
and
abroad.
The
Supercargo
report
and
Loss
control
analysis
a
growing
very
popular
among
our
clients.
Employing
highly
educated
personnel,
majority
with
university
degree,
is
a
reliable
partner
for
many
Thai
and
international
clients
and
state
authorities.
All
senior
inspectors
have
graduated
The
Merchant
Marine
Training
Centre
of
Thailand.
The
companies
personnel
strictly
conforms
with
the
safety
regulations
and
use
intrinsically
safe
equipment
recommended
by
Marine
Department